Wednesday, July 28, 2010

.:a day:.


tadikan, saye ade interview.
d Masterskill ,Cheras. for the position of Psychology lecturer.
Honestly, saye macam suke je ngan post tue n the environment coz sume nurses je yg kte aja n that means; more GURLS n mudah utk dikawal =)
But then, saye still hesitate.
because im thinking of my mom =((
saya dapat rasekan yg mak masih mawu saya ada d rumah with her n my dad too.
mcam mane ye nak wat keputusan if i get the offer?

Tuhan, tolonglah bagi sy sign..
I need Your Guidance..
I know this is something i want n I have a future in it.
But, i love my mom.....

Takpela, sy takmaw fikirkn dlu...
wait 2 weeks from now n see wut will happen..
Doakan sy dapat wat dcision terbaik untuk semua pihak key..

Till then, T.c


  1. ohh.. haha.. but miss da ada kat sini ma... haha.. da jd lecturer tok kls kite ma.. best wat.. suka kls miss.. BESH!! gambateh!!^^
